
AvX #6, Infinite


Well, the Phoenix Force came. Iron Man's Phoenix killer suit, meant to prevent once X-Man becoming the Phoenix, accidentally split the energy up and now there are 5 Phoenixes. Oopsie! But Cyclops and crew are making the world great with all the new fiery psychic powers. I seriously can't wrap my head around why Cap and the puny humans are screwing with them so much! Random panels:

(Infinite) The only one who's on the same page as me seems to be Beast!


Quick beef: Cyclops creates a talking pile of moon dust that looks like Jean to talk to. (Lonely much?) Moon Jean mentions that Cyclops is using the powers logically while when she wielded it, her emotions got out of control. Yes, we get it, men are logical and capable of creating Utopia with the Phoenix force while us lil women reign destruction, what with our wacky hormones and being on the rag all the time. Hey you crazy feminist, stop reading so deep into it and playing the gender card! FINE. But think about it.

"Found expression through my emotions ... made them so huge there was no room for, grief, love."

Er, are joy, grief and love not emotions?

ANYWAY I like the idea of multiple Phoneixes. Want more Prof X!

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