Do Want
Who controls the present now controls the past..."
Jim Lee's iPad Sketches via Twitter

That's the largest collection of nerdy words I've had in a title yet. Anyway, check out Jim Lee -MASTER and one of my all time favorite artists - playing on his ipad. Thanks for sharing them, we love you! See the progress of these pieces on Jim Lee's Twitter! He shares techniques and pics of his steps.

Star Wars: The Sitcom?
From i09:
"Hold me, like you did by the lake on Naboo" was probably one of the funnier lines of movie dialogue from all of 2005, but one usually doesn't look to the Star Wars Universe for comedy. At least, until Seth Green and Matt Senreich began channeling their love for all things Force-related into a pair of special Star Wars-centric episodes of Robot Chicken — both of which were nominated for Emmys. Papa Lucas must've been tickled enough by them that he's given his blessing for Lucasfilm Animation to team with Green and Senreich for an as-yet networkless Star Wars comedy series.
In a statement, Green said:
The Star Wars universe is so dense and rich; it's crazy to think that there aren't normal, mundane everyday problems in a world so well-defined. And it's even crazier to think of what those problems might be, since it's all set in a galaxy far, far away. What do these characters do when they're not overthrowing Empires?"